I'm Thorsten Schmitt, a Digital Artist, living and working in Germany.
I graduated as a photo-designer, with distinction in the field of technology, at the Lazi- Akademie Esslingen
2006: Photostudio in Heppenheim. Working as a portrait and advertising photographer.
2010 - today: more than 60,000 sold illustrations and photographs at picture/photo agencies like adobe stock,
shutterstock, istock etc.
2015: Prize Winner of the 20th Century Fox / Talenthouse.com Contest "The Peanuts". On display was the artwork at the CineEurope
Barcelona Party
2016: Prize Winner of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity / Talenthouse.com
2018: Featured in the book "The Art of Being Bill: Bill Murray and the Many Faces of Awesome"
2018: Official movie poster artwork of the movie "Overlord" produced by J.J.Abrams and published
by Paramount Pictures
2019: Official movie poster artwork of the movie "Pet Sematary" based on Stephen King's book published by
Paramount Pictures
2020: Official movie poster artwork of the movies "DIE WAHRE SCHÖNHEIT" , "TROLLS WORLD"
2020: XQ forty-nine cardistry cards
2021: Winner Best Movie Poster (Die Wahre Schönheit) at the 5th Golden Wheat Awards.
2023: Descendents playingcards
2024: Descendents playingcards nominated for "Best Cardistry Deck of the year"
2024: "Hidden Worlds - The Autostereogram Book"
2024: Permanent Artist in the Illusion Art Museum in Prague
Today: freelance Digital Artist, Photographer and Designer of Optical Illusions
Publications and Customers
nationalgeographic.de ,whc.unesco.org, bild.de, huffingtonpost.com,
edeka, penny, berlin.de, hamburg.de, merkurfilm, zoopalast-berlin.de, finanzen.net, nature.com, ibmexperts.computerwoche.de,
kurier.at, ladepeche.fr, wienerzeitung.at, ndr.de,
computerweekly.com, femmeactuelle.fr, neue-allgemeine.de, ihk-frankfurt.de,volksbank-hochrhein.de, uni-hildesheim.de,
kosmetikschule-frankfurt.com, kulturmanagement.de, villa-altenburg.de, bluesun-luxury-yachts.com, karriere.de, initiative-menschen-rechte.at,
hwk-stuttgart.de, intega.com, rehazentrum-fuer-tiere.de,boehmanwaltskanzlei.de ,milkthesun.com, business24.ch, entwickler.de, gizmodo.com, celle.de, bauwirtschaft-bw.de, marktplatz bergstrasse, witten.de,marketingfish.de, sparkasse.de, volksbank.de etc.
Buchtitel / Bildinhalte:
Kultur zwischen Nationalstaatlichkeit und Migration von Yeliz Yildirim-Krannig
PONS Bildwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Kaiserschmarrn: Die verrücktesten Skandale der Fußball-Nationalmannschaft von Ralf
Eigentlich bin ich nur außen alt: Kurzgeschichten für Senioren von Ingrid Huber
Using Hand Lenses and Microscopes von Lorijo Metz
Roberto Clemente von Dona Rice
Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach von Richard N. Aufmann,Joanne Lockwood
Special Effects Make-Up Artist von Jonathan Craig,Bridget Light
Kita-Management: Haltungen - Methoden - Perspektiven
Die Hochzeitsprofis - Expertenwissen für Ihre Hochzeit von Vincent